Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dangerous Hole Needs To Be Filled Up

Just the other day, I was walking back home from a grocery trip to the supermarket. As I was happily striding away, I felt my right foot stepping onto ground that was somewhat uneven and fell off balance. In the process, I grazed my knee against the rough surface and ended up with a painful bruise.

God knows how many victims have been claimed by this unassuming little depression.

The darn little depression is about the size of a human hand, and it takes quite a sharp eye to spot it. I wasn't really walking with my eyes fixed at the ground before me, hence the painful fall.

I can't imagine if an old person stepped into that depression and fell down. Worse still, given that almost 90% of the PRC Chinese community is living around my area and everyone single one of them travels around in a bicycle, I can picture someone riding into the depression and falling off painfully. And if there was a pillion, I'm sure it would have created a really ugly scene.

Can the Town Council please do something about it? Fill it up or replace it with new bricks, I don't care! How many more people must sprain their ankles or suffer bruises at the hand of this? I'm sure that by now, someone must have made a complaint or something.

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