Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Silent Hill:Origins

Yes! After two weeks of erratic gaming hours, I've finally beaten Silent Hill Origins on the PSP!

Although the storyline was pretty good and should keep most fans of the survival horror genre happy, I was somewhat surprised by the anti-climatic ending. I found out later that there were 3 different endings, although 2 of them required you to beat the game at least once first.

One of the highlights of the game was the bad-ass looking Butcher. You'll encounter him frequently during your forays around Silent Hill, and each time he'll be cutting monsters up with his giant cleaver and leaving a horrible trail of blood. However, he also turned out to be my biggest disappointment as I faced off against him. He turned out to be a fag.

Unloading my entire load of Assault Rifle rounds against him (I have the tendency to keep my best weapons until fighting the main bosses) while standing in a corner, I killed him in less than a minute. Left with no rounds, I then found out that he wasn't the last boss. Darn.

Having said that, I did enjoy the game save for some minor hiccups. The idea of Silent Hill's programmers to incorporate sounds and static noise to indicate the presence of nearby monsters has always made Silent Hill way more creepier than other titles out there. But there have been frustrating times where the stubborn camera refuses to give a better view to the player. I wasted more than a few rounds shooting into thin air because my character couldn't aim properly due to the dumb camera angle.

Melee weapons also tend to break after a few hits, resulting in me using my fists more than anything while fighting normal monsters. It was hard at first, but after I got the hang of it, I was running rings around the monsters, raining punches on their backs. Of course, melee weapons are much stronger, but I hate it when stuff keep breaking during mid-combat.

Anyway, I do strongly recommend this fun game to survival horror fans out there. Meanwhile, I recently picked up a copy of Silent Hill: Homecoming for the PS3. Watch out for my post on that pretty soon.

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